Dear film lovers, 

JCC Budapest – Bálint Ház is proud to present the 9th annual Budapest Jewish and Israeli Film Festival (Zsifi). With an extensive line-up of the latest movies depicting today’s Jewish culture and heritage, the festival is the largest event of its kind in Central and Eastern Europe. And since this year nothing is the same as it used to be, the festival will also be a bit different. This year, it will be held online in its entirety.  

“For many people, these past few months have required them to reinvent themselves. Similarly, this year’s Zsifi will also be a type of reinvention and experimentation. In the past, our festival has always been about the community, openness and unity. And while this year we are unable to be together physically, we believe that these values will be clearly reflected in our selection of films. Even though the events will be virtual this year, we will share a common experience together and we will be able to keep in touch with one another.said Marcell Kenesei, the Director of the festival