Izraeli filmek 2022

We would like to greet you on the occasion of 11th Jewish & Israeli Film Festival with much love and enthusiasm!
The Jewish & Israeli Film Festival would not be the same without covering genres such as, dramas, comedies, thrillers, biographies, etc. These type of films illustrate various themes of daily life issues such as problematic neighbors, ageing, dating, and much more.
Dear movie lovers, film is not only about entertainment; but also about reflecting different cultures and worldviews.
It is sometimes about educating viewers, and at times surprising them, other times, it is even about causing tears of joy or sorrow.
Films can undeniably make a connection with the audience by either enlightening, entertaining, inspiring, motivating or even creating a huge impression on an individual, lasting a short period of time or even a lifetime!
The diversity of Judaism is indeed a defining characteristic of this Film Festival of Budapest and is an important element in our cultural life.
It is by watching these movies that we are able to see and learn more about our traditions, values, and customs, and essentially more about ourselves as Jews. Moreover, it is also a good occasion for the world to learn more about us Israelis, as well as Judaism.
Thank you to all those who have made this annual Film Festival possible, and now let us celebrate yet another successful year of sharing the love of film with each other!
Yacov Hadas-Handelsman, Ambassador of the State of Israel in Budapest